There are several reasons to start a blog now.
Despite reports you may have seen or heard about, blogging is not dead.
In fact, it’s doing better than ever and it’s going to keep growing.
Just like everything else, blogging has evolved, so what blogging was just a few years ago is a lot different now.
But it’s as popular as it’s ever been, and the numbers bear that out.
According to SEMRush:
The #1 traffic source for high-income bloggers is organic traffic from Google.
More than one-third of high-earning bloggers (those who make over $50,000 annually) say the demand for high-quality content is higher than ever.
On average, companies who blog produce 67% more leads per month.
The average monthly salary of a blogger is $8,000.
So let there be no doubt there is a ton of opportunity for blogging!
In addition, due to the worldwide pandemic, the economic has changed.
Personal branding is more important than ever and blogging provides a way to elevate your visibility and build your authority.
Every market segment can benefit from starting a blog.
Even the hardcore anti-website digital marketers have come to understand the importance of building and controlling your own online space.
All you have to do is look at what they’re doing with their own blogs and the exploding popularity of the “funnel hub” to get a little insight into what’s happening there.
There simply is no better way to build lasting visibility and authority for your personal brand than a well put together blog.