Many of the links you’ll find here to external products and services in the blog are affiliate links and proudly so. It’s my belief that if a product or service can help me in my business then it’s likely that it can help you in yours too. I’m either currently using, or have used these products and services I recommend so there is nothing shady going on!
I recommend them because they’ve helped me do what I do and I have great confidence that you will get good value out of them as well – hence the recommendation and affiliate links. Same thing goes for book reviews too. I use Amazon’s affiliate system when I review and write about the books I’m reading or have read.
So, if you click on one of the links I recommend on the resources page and end up making a purchase there I’ll make a commission and it’s my honest hope that the tool – whatever it may be – will be every bit as useful to you as it has been to me.