I’ve said numerous times that website content is the thing my clients struggle with the most when it comes to their design & development project.
So often the content on the site is one of the last things people think about.
But without a doubt, your website content is the most important part of your website.
S how do you create high converting website content for your business?
The best website content is the kind that makes people want to read more. It’s not just about writing a lot of words, it’s also about making sure you are using the right keywords and phrases in order to attract visitors from search engines like Google or Bing. If you can do this effectively, then you will be able to get high rankings on these sites which means more traffic coming into your site. This leads to higher conversions and sales!
Why is website content important?
It’s the first thing that people see when they visit a site. If it doesn’t grab their attention, then you may as well not have bothered creating a web presence at all! So what should be in there? Here are some tips on how to write great content:
Make sure it’s relevant and useful – if someone searches Google or Bing for “website design”, chances are they’re looking for something specific like “web designer” or “best websites”.
Conduct a website content audit
Use keywords – make sure that every page of your site contains one or more keyword phrases which describe its purpose. This will help search engines find your pages quickly. You can use tools such as SEMrush to check this out.
Write unique content – don’t just copy-paste from other sites; try writing original articles about topics related to your niche. It’ll give visitors an incentive to come back regularly because they know they won’t get the same old stuff each time.
What is content strategy?
What is content strategy? Content strategy is essentially planning ahead so that you can produce good quality content consistently over time. The idea behind this is that by producing lots of different types of content with varying formats, you increase the likelihood that users will stay engaged with your brand.
Content marketing vs traditional advertising
There has been much debate recently around whether content marketing is better than traditional forms of advertising. Some argue that content marketing is simply another form of online advertising while others believe that it provides real value to businesses. However, I think both sides are partially correct. On the whole, content marketing does provide genuine benefits but it isn’t always effective enough to replace traditional methods.
If you’ve ever tried to sell anything through social media channels, you probably noticed that most of them were pretty ineffective. Why?
Because Facebook ads aren’t necessarily designed to convert customers. They’re meant to generate awareness and drive engagement. That said, many marketers still rely heavily on Facebook ads because they can be relatively inexpensive, and when you do it right, they’re highly effective.
A good content strategy helps you increase your brand awareness that can then turn into greater revenue.
How To Develop A Content Strategy
So how do you develop a good content strategy? You develop a good content strategy by thinking about who your audience is, where they hangout online, and what type of information they need. Once you understand those things, you can start developing ideas for blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.
You might even consider doing user research before starting any new project. For example, you could ask potential clients questions via email surveys or phone interviews to learn more about their needs and preferences.
Identify your unique value proposition
Your unique value proposition is important because if no one knows what they’re getting when they buy something from you, how could anyone possibly know whether or not they’ll enjoy buying from you? Your USP should answer all three questions: What’s in it for me?, Why would I choose you over others?, How does my purchase benefit me?
What problem will you be solving for your audience(s)?
Your content should solve problems for your readers/viewers. If they don’t know what their next step is after consuming your content, there’s nothing for them to do so how are they supposed to act on anything?
Solving problems is what your audience cares about. This is important because people want solutions to their problems. So make sure you focus on providing answers rather than just opinions.
It doesn’t matter if you have an eCommerce store selling shoes or a service company offering web design services; everyone wants to get results. Make sure your content addresses issues relevant to your specific industry.
Who will be reading your content?
70% of marketers actively investing in content marketing, it’s often critical you develop a good content strategy to compete in your industry.
The first question we need to ask ourselves when developing a content strategy is: who will read my content? This could mean answering two different questions here – one related to audience segmentation, and another related to buyer personas.
Audience Segmentation Audience segmentation helps businesses identify their target customers based on demographics like age, gender, location, income level, etc., so they know what type of content works best for them.
Now, let’s put it all together and make it into a grand slam offer.
Create an irresistible offer
Offers work well as long as there is enough time between them so that customers have plenty of opportunity to act upon them before they expire.
Irresistible offers are a crucial part of your online business because they help increase conversion rates by giving potential buyers exactly what they need at precisely the moment they need it. They make it easy for prospects to convert without having to think too hard about their decision-making process.
Freebies like lead magnets or free trials are great ways to generate interest in your products and services. You don’t even necessarily need to give away actual physical goods; instead, you can simply provide information or advice.
website content template
types of website content
good website content examples
Some website content examples are listed below:
1) A blog post with tips and tricks for newbies who are looking to start up their own businesses. The article may include some useful links to other resources such as books, videos, etc.
2) An infographic showing statistics related to various industries. For example, an infographic might show how many hours Americans spend watching television each week compared to those who watch movies.
3) A listicle summarizing recent news stories.
But there’s more to website content than just what I call “periodical” content.
Website content also means the pages you use on your website and the imagery you display.
This is important because it helps users understand what your company does and why they should care.
It also gives prospective clients a sense of what your brand stands for.
In addition to text, images, video, audio, infographics, charts, graphs, maps, illustrations, icons, logos, buttons, forms, tables, and webpages, website content includes any type of media used to convey messages.
What makes for good website content?
Good website content has several characteristics:
• It provides valuable information.
• It answers customer needs.
• It tells a story.
• It engages readers.
• It builds trust.
• It encourages action.
• It creates loyalty.
• It motivates consumers.
• It inspires creativity.
• It promotes growth.
• It attracts attention.
• It establishes authority.
• It increases awareness.
• It generates revenue.
Target each of your personas – your “dream customers”
If you’ve got multiple types of users, consider targeting different kinds of information based on who they are. For example, if you sell products online, you might want to include product reviews by real buyers. Or perhaps you offer services so you could target testimonials from satisfied clients.
Include multimedia elements
Images, videos, infographics, etc. add value to any piece of written text. They also provide visual interest and break up long paragraphs.
Write compelling web copy
What problem will you be solving for your audience(s)? What benefits does your solution bring them? How do you plan to convince them to choose your service over others? Make sure everything you say has been tested with focus groups before publishing it anywhere.
Keep things simple
Don’t overload readers with too much info. Keep sentences short and sweet and avoid using jargon unless you really need to. The less words, the better.
Be consistent
Your tone needs to remain constant throughout your entire site.
Talk about how your solution solve that problems that your dream customers are having. Don’t talk about yourself or your company. Talk about your customer.
Help your visitors understand why they should choose your service over others.
Prominently display a clear description of your business
Website content is the place where you are clear and concise about the value you bring to the table for potential customers.
Clear and concise.
This isn’t a time to be witty or funny, or punny.
This is a time to communicate clearly to your dream customer what you do and how it helps them.
Create compelling calls to action
The CTA button is the most powerful tool available to marketers today. A good CTAs helps convert prospects into paying customers.
Here are some examples of effective CTAs:
- Buy now
- Learn more
- Get started
- Contact us
- Signup here
- Download our free eBook
- Subscribe to our newsletter
- Visit our blog
- Join our Facebook group
- Follow us on Twitter
Remember that your website is about your visitors – not you.
Your visitors come to your website to learn what’s in it for them. They want to know how you can help them and solve their problems. So make sure all your CTAs tell people exactly what they’ll get when they click through.
In addition, make sure your content links back to your home page. This way, when someone clicks through one link, he/she can easily find his/her way back to your homepage.
Use social proof
Social proof refers to anything that shows other people have already chosen your service. This may take many forms including testimonials, case studies, awards, rankings, recommendations, endorsements, referrals, and even pictures of happy customers.
Make use of these tools to build credibility and increase conversions.
Create links throughout your website to connect relevant content
Linking up your content in your site is vital because search engines like Google love this kind of thing. Linking makes a page easier to find and read. And linking pages together creates an easy-to-follow flowchart of sorts.
You don’t necessarily have to link every single word within one article to another; however, try to keep related articles linked as well as possible.