This post is the complete step by step guide on everything you need to know on how to start a blog.
Doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to the idea of blogging, or you’re looking to get deeper insight on some of the finer details, everything you need to know to start a blog is in this post!
Let’s cut right to the chase; here’s how to start a blog in 10 easy steps without wasting a bunch of time or money on unproven tactics.
How To Start A Blog From Scratch
Step 1: Select the perfect topic for you to blog about
Step 2: Select the perfect custom domain name for your new blog
Step 3: Select the right blogging platform for your new blog
Step 4: Choose the best hosting service for your new blog
Step 5: Learn how to setup a new blog website with WordPress
Step 6: Select the perfect WordPress theme for your new WordPress blog
Step 7: Create the pages you need for new blog
Step 8: Start creating compelling, “prolific” and intriguing content
Step 9: Optimize your content for search engines as you go (SEO)
Step 10: Promote your blog content
These 10 steps are the major pieces of the puzzle for starting a successful blog.
So what I’m going to do next is walk you through each one of those steps and cover all the details on how to start a blog the right way.
Click here to jump to the table of contents .
Want to skip ahead and start a blog fast?
These boxes are a Quick Start Guide so you can sift through the details and start your new blog fast.
All you need to do is follow the steps in these blue Quick Tips boxes then click the link at the bottom to jump automatically to the next step.
This post is the culmination of years of research, experimentation and learning, gathering the very best insights, tactics and strategies from the top experts in the creator space, and the testing of all these things myself by putting it all in to practice and weeding out what works and what doesn’t.
It’s also a very long post – just over 15,000 words – so I understand if that back button is looking tempting right now!
But hang on – before you do that, I promise I’ve made it easy for you!
I’ve broken it up so that you can jump from section to section easily.
I’ve also included a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) version right here at the beginning so you get the 35,000 foot overview quickly and easily.
I’ve even created a downloadable version of this guide on how to start a blog that you can grab for free here.
So sit back and prepare to be entertained and informed enjoy the ride.
Yeah, it’s a lot of information, but we’re going to have some fun along the way!
TL;DR version:
There are three primary pillars on how to start a successful blog:
Pick the right niche topic and domain name for your new blog
Figure out what type of blog you want to start. The niche topic is the primary subject for your new blog. Find a topic that’s interesting that will captivate your attention on which you can create compelling content. Based on your topic, find a domain name that works well as a description of your topic or, if you’re building a personal brand, you can use your own name.
Get set up with self-hosted WordPress on a solid hosting service
WordPress is the industry-standard for serious bloggers because it’s simply the best tool for the job and was developed specifically with the purpose of blogging. Most hosting services will do a one-click install of the core WordPress software for you, or you could skip all that and go to and have all this tech stuff done for you.
Create compelling, useful and helpful content for your target audience
Define your blog audience. Enter into the conversation your dream customer and ideal reader is already having in their own minds by answering the questions they have and solving their problems. It should always be useful, and direct, but it should also reflect your own personal flare and personality.
When I first started trying to start a blog…
When I was first getting started online around 2005 there were no guides like this. I bought books, I scoured the internet, but I’d only find bits and pieces of information.
I wasted tons of time and energy and made tons of mistakes.
So I’ve put together this comprehensive guide with everything I’ve learned over the years to give you everything you need so you don’t have to go through all that wasted time and energy and instead can launch your new blog successfully!
Just a quick note before we go any further here.
There’s a lot to cover if you want to start a blog the right way.
Each section includes an intro to the topic with highlights of the key points and links so you can jump from section to section.
I’ve also included a table of contents here so you can move around easily along with a link to jump back easily.
I’d highly recommend saving this one in your bookmarks so you can come back to it whenever you need to get clarification or find help.
And if you want to download your own copy of this guide PLUS additional resources to help you get started, you can grab it free here.