Looking to find out how to get housekeeping leads for free?
Lead generation is the lifeblood of any business, big or small.
So generating quality leads is an absolute must.
So how do you get housekeeping leads for free?
By working smarter than your competition.
The main idea here is to build a pipeline of high-quality, organically obtained leads for free.
The concept we’re going to talk about here is simple, but it’s going to take some hustle to make it work.
But if you’re the entrepreneurial type, which you’ve already shown by starting a cleaning business, I have no doubt you’ll be up for the challenge.
And the best part about this is we’re going to do it all online.
No door knocking.
No printing expensive flyers and leave-behinds.
No bothering your friends and family for leads.
This is pure organic marketing and it works like a charm.
How to Get Housekeeping Leads For Free
Ever had one of those customers that you really just didn’t enjoy working with?
You know the one – the super-picky, overbearing, miser who is trying to work you to death for pennies.
If you’re anything like me, you hate working with them as much as I do.
They suck the life out of you and leave you wondering why you’re even doing what you’re doing to begin with.
I know because I’ve been there.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
There’s a better way and it all starts by defining who your dream customer is.
There are characteristics that are common to your dream customer that are foreign to the ones you’d rather not work with.
That’s why it’s so important to figure out who your dream customer is.
You need to get to know this person better than they know themselves.
What’s their name? Where are they from? What do they like? What do they dislike?
This will help you figure out the type of character of the person you want to work with.
But it doesn’t stop there.
You need to also know what their biggest problems are. What are their biggest pain points?
Then having figured that out, you need to go into detail about how you can help that person solve their problems.
Once you’ve figured out who they are and what their problems are, you need to figure out where they’re hanging out online.
Is it a local parent’s PTA group on Facebook? What about LinkedIn?
What about realtors and property managers?
Here’s the bottom line:
Your dream customers are hanging out online somewhere and congregating around a common interest.
It’s your job to figure out where that is.
Engage with your dream customers to get housekeeping leads for free
Once you’ve figured out where your dream customer is hanging out online you need to get in front of them.
And you do this by creating what Russell Brunson calls in Expert Secrets the Attractive Character.
This attractive character is the guide that leads your dream client, who’s the hero in the story, to the solution to the problem they’re looking for.
And you build the attractive character by engaging with your dream customers where they’re hanging out online.
You answer their questions, ask engaging and thought-provoking questions, and then every once in a while you show them the results that you’ve been getting for your customers.
Your dream customer will start to be naturally attracted to you and your content – that’s a HUGE win!
As they see your engagement and participation in the Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, etc. that you’re hanging out in, some of these people will click through to your profile which you’ll have set up to attract them into your world.
How to create a profile funnel to get housekeeping leads for free
You do this by creating what’s called in the digital marketing world as a “profile funnel.”
You’re probably asking, “what is a profile funnel?”
A profile funnel is a way of configuring your social media profiles to point people to a way they can engage deeper with you and take the next step into your world.
That means you need to have a Facebook business page that you use. Same goes for LinkedIn, and anywhere else your dream customer is hanging out online.
Now you may be thinking, “but I use my profile to interact with high school friends” or something like that.
As of now, those days are over.
You’re going to convert your profiles to lead generation machines.
Instead of being a consumer of social media content, you’re now going to be a producer.
Setting the hook to get housekeeping leads for free
Part of your profile funnel is going to be a link to a lead magnet.
A lead magnet is something that you can create that will attract your dream customers but repel the potential customers that you don’t want to work with, that’s easy for you to create, but delivers immense value to your target customer.
This can be a video, or a guide. I’ve done both and I’ve been successful with both.
The topic of your is what’s most important here.
The goal of a lead magnet is to attract someone into your world where they will give you their email address in exchange for the resource you’re going to deliver to them.
It could be something like “top 10 mistakes property managers make when turning over renters”, “3 critical things expectant mothers need to do before they bring their baby home” or “the 5 under-the-radar cleaning secrets you need to know before your next event”.
The idea is to create intrigue and curiosity so that your target customer will be excited about giving you their email address in exchange for your guide.
Using online sales funnels to get housekeeping leads for free
So far, we’ve gone from meeting people on the wide open internet to attracting them into your world, based on the mutual interest you both have surrounding the solutions you provide.
Now it’s time to reel them in.
Once you’ve presented them with the lead magnet you have a variety of options available to you.
You could create a digital product so that you can build some passive income online to supplement the income you get from your housekeeping services.
Or you can present them with an opportunity to schedule a consultation appointment to get on the phone.
Here’s the main point:
You now have their email address and you can continue to market to them directly through email!
You probably don’t have any idea how important this is.
Your email list is a consistent and constant source of leads for your housekeeping business.
Here’s the only catch:
You have to engage and get traffic into your funnels.
And you do that by using the tools I mentioned before – finding out where your dream customer is hanging out online, engaging with them, helping them find answers to their questions and building a relationship with them.
I know what you’re thinking – “it can’t be this easy”.
It’s a simple process.
It’s worked for me and thousands of other marketers online.
It takes practice to get good at, just like anything else.
But if you’re looking for a way to generate housekeeping leads for free this is a lot better than cold calling, knocking on doors, leaving annoying flyers everywhere and that kind of stuff.
Leveling up – how to get housekeeping leads for free
Here’s the best part:
Once you’ve got the hang of it and you understand how it all works you can amplify your success by running paid ads to fill your funnel.
By this point, you’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t work. It’s always better to test your ideas using free organic traffic first, then turning up the volume by pouring money into paid ads once you can afford it.
And here’s how you afford it:
Remember the digital product I mentioned before? You can use all that income to buy ads to get traffic into your funnel.
There’s a famous saying by famed marketer Dan Kennedy and it goes like this:
“He who can pay the most to acquire a new customer wins.”
The point of that saying is that you can bury your competition by being able to pay more to acquire a new customer and your customers, when you do your sales funnel right, will be worth more to you.
Here’s a quick example.
Say you pay $100 to run paid ads and you have a sales funnel that has a total cart value of $500.
That traffic brings in 1000 people into your funnel (and ads 1000 new leads and contacts and email addresses to your business!).
Your front end offer is a free lead magnet like we talked about before.
But you’ve also got two digital products for sale – one for $10 the next for $190, and the last for $300 for a total cart value of $500.
From that 1000 people that are now in your funnel, let’s say they convert (buy your front end product) at 15%.
That means 150 people have bought from you.
That means you’ve earned $1500 just from your $10 product! Your ads are already paid for, plus a decent profit.
Now the way that conversions happen in a sales funnel is that you want to target around 5% on your front end.
Then from that 150 you get 4% that buy your next digital product available and that’s $190. That means 6 people bought your $190 product which means an additional $1140.
Then of those 6 that bought, let’s say just one bought your $300 product making your total amount of products sold in your funnel for 1000 new leads is $2940.
Want to know the best part?
That $2940 doesn’t even include the done-for-you housekeeping leads you sell on your services!
So now you know that you can spend up to $2.94 for each new lead.
Do you now see how having an online sales funnel can revolutionize your business?!?
How cool is that?!?
These numbers are just a basic example. There’s more to it, but I wanted to show you this concept so you can get an idea of what’s possible for your business. Your online sales funnel may do considerably better than this, or it may do considerably worse.
You don’t even have to use paid ads to drive traffic if you don’t want to or you can’t at this point.
The principles that we’ve been talking about here will still apply whether you’re relying on organic traffic or paid traffic.
Paid traffic just makes everything move faster.
Next Steps
By this point you’re probably excited about how to implement all this stuff, and I would be too.
Here’s what I recommend.
There’s an online course that will teach you everything you need to know about how to create your own online sales funnel and to have it 100% done and working for you in 30 days.
I’ve personally taken this course myself and I’ve enjoyed it so much that I’ve actually gone through several times and I’ve learned something new each time.
The best thing about it is that it’s perfect for beginners, who’ve never even thought about having an online business before.
The training is thorough and deep, but it’s also consumable and profoundly useful.
It will teach you about how to generate traffic on social media, how to build your own list of email contacts, how to build your own sales funnel, and how everything works together to build your online business.
So if this is something comp let ely new to you – don’t let that intimidate you!
The training is called the One Funnel Away Challenge and I can guarantee you that it will be the best $100 you ever spend. And if you end up joining the One Funnel Away Challenge and do the work, but decide it’s not for you, then I’ll personally give you your money back if you’ve bought through my link.
Want to learn more about the One Funnel Away Challenge? I’ve got another entire post dedicated to covering everything you need to know about it here.
If you want help implementing what you’ve learned here, reach out here. I’m glad to help you but my availability is limited, so make sure that you reach out soon.
Have any questions about any of this? Just leave me a comment below.
If you’d like some help implementing what you’ve learned here I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group, Digital Marketing Mastery – would love to have you over there.
Disclaimer: Many of the links you’ll find here are affiliate links and proudly so.
I recommend them because they’ve helped me do what I do and I have great confidence that you will get value out of them as well – hence the recommendation and affiliate links.
It’s my belief that if a product or service can help me in my business then it can help you in yours too. I’m either currently using, or have used these products and services I recommend – I will never support or feature something that I don’t believe in completely!
So by following any of these links and making a purchase, I’ll receive a commission. I always recommend you do your own independent research first before you purchase anything.