Ever wonder what goal setting questions you need to ask yourself in order to get clarity on what you’re trying to achieve?
I know I have.
The struggle is real. Goal setting can be both super-simple and straight-forward, and at the same time confusing and frustrating.
I’ve grown to the point that I’ve disciplined myself not to overthink things, but to also be intentional about where I’m trying to go and what I’m trying to do.
I learned a long time ago after reading Brian Tracy’s material that clarity is the key to accomplishing any worthwhile goal.
I’ve got a note in my Evernote journal on my computer that covers all the different aspects of my life as my goals are realized.
It’s really awesome. It covers where my family will live, what my career looks like, my finances, my relationships, and our future. I’ve even got pictures of our dream house in there.
Goal setting is just as much art as it’s a science that can be learned. I know that I’ve been working on learning how to set and work towards goals for years and years. I’ve been able to make some remarkable progress with goals and taking time to consciously pursue the things I want to achieve in my life.
If there is anything that I’ve learned about goals and goal setting is that you must make deliberate, intentional effort in working on them to see them achieved. That’s why it’s so important that the values and things you hold as important in life match up so closely with your goals.
This list below is a list I use as I work on my goals, and once again, all credit to Brian Tracy – this all comes from him.
Eight Goal Setting Questions
1. What are your 5 most important values in life right now?
Identify and prioritize the things that are most important to you. Is it your faith?
2. What are your three most important goals in life right now?
These things should be the first things that pop in to your mind once you hear the question. Is it getting out of debt? Finding a new career?
3. What would you do, and how would you live if you just learned that you only have 6 months to live?
This question is meant to focus on qualitative values and things you want to accomplish before your time in this life is done.
4. What would you do if you won $1 million today, and had absolutely no limitations in what you could be/do/have?
Write it down, and you only 2-3 minutes to do it, and can only have what you write down.
5. What have you always wanted to do, but were afraid to try?
Step out of your comfort zone!
6. What do you most enjoy doing – more than anything else?
Finding your passion in life is key. As it’s been said, “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
7. Imagine you were granted one wish and that you were guaranteed to be completely successful in whatever you chose: What one great thing would you dare to dream if you were guaranteed that you would not fail?
This question really makes you think seriously about who you want to be in life because it eliminates all the limitations that we put on ourselves.
8. Do you want it badly enough, and are you willing to pay the price to get it?
This is the most important – and sobering – of all. If it’s all just platitudes, and pie-in-the-sky dreams then you’re wasting your time.
One of the greatest motivators I’ve found is writing down my dream list. Have you ever done this? It’s an enlightening and entertaining exercise that I highly recommend. Write down exactly what your fulfilled goals look like and don’t be afraid to dream big.