I started building websites back in the dark ages of the internet.
Back when dial-up access was still a thing. And Flash was all the rage.
And that was when I first started getting curious about online business and was trying to figure out a way to earn money online.
You see, I was a new dad in a job that I hated. A lot.
My life was filled with enormous stress and pressure because I dreaded going to work.
Doing what I was doing in sales wasn’t all bad though, because it afforded me the opportunity to see first hand how people were doing amazing things online and inspiring me with new ideas that had been brewing for a long time.
Probably the only cool thing about that job that I hated so much was that I got to spend a lot of time talking to people who were already doing business online.
And I learned a lot.
It was incredible to hear their stories and see how people were living out their lives on their own terms, doing amazing things.
The problem
But when I was just getting started building websites I struggled to find info and resources that spoke to me where I was at.
My biggest frustration was figuring out how to get started and where I needed to start.
I spent a ton of money big thick books from Amazon that were supposed to teach me how to do things.
Way too much money.
High-quality learning resources were a lot harder to find, or at least they were for me.
Like I said, this was a different time for the internet. Blogs weren’t even really a thing yet.
And even if I found something I could use I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.
I had no idea who to trust and I was really skeptical. I found some stuff here and there, but it was stuff that was really heavy on the sales side and required a lot of money and I couldn’t spend that kind of money at the time.
How I handled it
So I decided to dust off my coding skills and learn how to do it myself.
I experimented a lot and failed a lot. But I started getting better and better and figured out what I needed to do to build the websites I wanted to build.
In fact, I got so good at it I left that job I hated so much and switched careers completely to become a web developer.
Since then, I’ve built a ton of different kinds of websites – from huge corporate websites to just-getting-started blogs.
Spreading the word
Then I started thinking about other people who were in the same situation I was when I was just getting started: frustrated, confused, not sure where to go, and not sure who to trust.
I wanted to help as many as I could to cut through the clutter and overcome all those road bumps and delays I had when I was getting started.
Not everyone wanted to take it as far as I did and become a web developer.
But there are at a lot of people who want to start their own website because they want to build a business online, to write, to create, to build community – you name it.
Two groups of people
You see, there are two main groups of people who are creating websites:
Creators – these are the authors, bloggers, writers, artists, and coaches who create websites as a means to an end. Nothing wrong with that. There are some great people in that space that are teaching great stuff. But they’re not web developers. Speaking of web developers….
Web developers are the computer nerds who have the coding skills, who love solving complex problems, and look at web development from the technical perspective. But a lot of times the language they use is foreign to the creators of the world.
The moment of epiphany
So I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if I created a guide that was easy to understand, that spoke in plain language, and provided a step-by-step walkthrough of how a web developer creates a new website project?”
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a resource that had everything I needed to have in one place, that I could use to create a website from top to bottom?
Wouldn’t it be great if creators had a checklist of everything they needed that they could go to every time they wanted to start a new website project?
After all, I’ve got processes in my own business that I use and processes I use to create websites, so I put together a comprehensive guide on how to start a new website with WordPress from a web developer’s perspective.
When the idea hit me I was super excited! I knew how much this kind of guide could have helped me when I was getting started, and I knew if I did it right it could help a lot of people get started with their websites.
So that’s exactly what I did.
Introducing The WordPress Website Start-Up Guide
I created my own resource – a web developer’s guide to starting a website with WordPress.
It’s got everything you need to start a Website with WordPress. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blogger, a writer, a small business, a coach or even completely new to WordPress with no idea how to write code.
I put together this simple step-by-step guide that covers the seven major areas that I use to build new website projects with WordPress.
Next Steps
I’ve got seven primary strategies and steps I use to build out new website projects, from big sites with custom post types, custom fields and fully bespoke custom themes, to small sites and personal blogs.
If you’d like to learn about how I implement all seven strategies and steps to build a new WordPress site then you will definitely want to download the Ultimate WordPress Start-Up Guide here.
In this guide, I show you the behind-the-scenes things I use every day as a web developer so you can see all the things you need to start a new website project with WordPress right at your fingertips.